Naked Winemaker

Rod Easthope

New Zealand


Rod's Wines

  • New Zealand
  • 7 wines
  • 4 styles

Former Chief Winemaker at Craggy Range, now making wines exclusively for Angels

  • Rod downed tools at one of New Zealand's most iconic wineries, to set-up-shop alone, and luckily for us, he knows the whereabouts of the very best grapes that Hawke's Bay and Central Otago have to offer. 
  • He has rave reviews from journalists, wines dripping in medals and oodles of Parker Points under his belt, and thanks to Angel funding and backing, he's now making wines exclusively for you.
  • Using his prize fund from being crowned your Winemaker of the Year 2014, Rod was able to add a stunning Gisborne Chardonnay to his range. Years on and his wines never fail to impress -  they don’t call him Rod the God for nothing.


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