Naked Winemaker

Jen Pfeiffer



Jen's Wines

  • Australia
  • 14 wines
  • 6 styles

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Your Winemaker of the Year 2015!

  • Back in 2012, during a trip to Oz, Sam Plunkett insisted we paid a visit to his friend ‘the girl with the superstar palate’. The bad news was she was busy judging at a wine show but we were patient and the second we finally got to meet Jen, we just knew it was meant to be.
  • Energetic, passionate and oh-so talented, Jen grew up in a winemaking family and fell in love with the industry from a young age! She travelled widely, learning her craft at many of the great wineries in France and Portugal before returning to the family winery with a desire to really push the boundaries
  • Our ‘Rock it like a Redhead’ star has won hundreds of medals and was also crowned your Winemaker of the Year in 2015 so it’s safe to say she was definitely worth the wait!

Jen's Activity