Naked Winemaker

Tom Puyaubert



Tom's Wines

  • Spain
  • 6 wines
  • 2 styles

Tom's on a mission to make you fall in love with a different side of Rioja

  • Despite calling it home for over 18 years, Tom is known as a foreigner in Rioja. He stands out even more by avoiding the traditional winemaking style of the area; championing instead varieties like Garnacha and Graciano.

  • It’s tough in Rioja at the moment. With most of the oldest (and best) vineyards belonging to the older generation whose families are now more interested in big city life. Tom says either big commercial wineries must take over or small, independent winemakers should step in and preserve the beauty and history of the land. Cue, Angel Funding!

  • Tom’s passion and enthusiasm for his region is infectious and he cannot wait for Angels' feedback. Hearing the opinions first hand from his ‘final judges’, as he calls them, is an opportunity he’s never had so form an orderly queue and give a big, Naked welcome to Tom.

Tom's Activity